Professor in the Section for Cultural History and Head of the Institute of Polish Culture; historian of Polish culture, in European Pluralities Head. He is also a member of the l’Association pour l’autobiographie et le patrimoine autobiographique (France) and International Auto/Biography Association (IABA Europe). He cooperates with École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris (visiting professor 2005, 2013), Paris IV-Sorbonne and resarch group «Genèse et autobiographie» (l’Institut des textes & manuscrits modernes, École Normale Supérieure, Paris). His main publications include: Wizje kultury pokolenia wojennego [Visions of Culture in the War Generation] (2000); edition of Andrzej Trzebiński’s Pamiętnik [Diary], which was kept during the Second World War (2001); Pismo, książka, lektura. Rozmowy [Writing, Book, Reading. Conversations with Jacques Le Goff, Roger Chartier, Jean Hébrard, Daniel Fabre, Philippe Lejeune] (2009); Między zapisem a literaturą. Dziennik polskiego pisarza w XX wieku (Żeromski, Nałkowska, Dąbrowska, Gombrowicz, Herling-Grudziński) [Between Written Practice of Everyday Life and Literature. Polish Writer’s Diary in the 20th century (Żeromski, Nałkowska, Dąbrowska, Gombrowicz, Herling-Grudziński)], (2011); Antropologia pisma. Od teorii do praktyki [Anthropology of Writing. From Theory to Practice], edited with Philippe Artières (2009); Kulturologia polska XX wieku, vol. 1-2 [Polish Culturology of the 20th century, collective two volumes] (2013); Leksykon gatunków twórczości słownej [Lexicon of Verbal Creativity Genres, collective volume] (2014); edition of the book with articles of Philippe Lejeune on diaries translated into Polish „Drogi zeszycie…”, „drogi ekranie…” O dziennikach osobistych [« Dear notebook… », « Dear screen…». About diaries] (2010).